Artist: Southcott
Album: Flee The Scene
Label: Less Avenged | Rust
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: February 7, 2006
Overall: 7.9
Music: 8.1
Lyrics: 7.5
Production: 7.8
Southcott are finally here with their debut full-lenght album on Rust / Less Avenged Records. “Flee The Scene” is filled with pop infused hooks, kicking drums, and sing along lyrics. The NY based band deliver a full 10 songs that only slightly vary in style but overall are worthing of rocking out to.
With the intro track “Where The Tabloids Won’t Find Us” we are introduced to their upbeat and catchy style. You instantly know that you will be in for a fun album after the first track. Songs like “Sin City: Your Bed Sheets, My Legacy” are very upbeat but don’t technical follow the old school pop-punk most people would think this album is going to be. On “The October Tradition” the band lay things out a little better with more dynamics and range to their instruments. When I first heard “Red Lights And Rooftops” I wasn’t to fond of the way the vocals opened up the song, but you’ll find yourself singing them soon after. “Lifeboats For High Hopes” is a great catchy song where the band mix some upbeat parts with some laid back parts for a more mid-tempo feel. The album so far has been filled with catchy songs that do carry on the same sound but are fun to listen to none the less. The band change things up with an acoustic track titled “Friendly Fire.” Although the song is slow compared to the rest of the album it’s a good change and Penningsâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ vocals make up for it. Wrapping up the album is the track “We’ll Take This Outside, 1:17.” The band keep their upbeat style going on this track that doesn’t fail to impress.
Ever since I first heard these new songs I knew the album would be a great listen. Overall the album goes by way to fast at just 27 minuets and you are left wanting more. If your into pop-punk then this is a must buy for the year, you can rock out and even relax to the album, its all up to you.
Track Listing
1. Where The Tabloids Wonâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t Find Us
2. Sin City: Your Bed Sheets, My Legacy
3. Red Lights and Rooftops
4. The October Tradition
5. Lifeboats for High Hopes
6. Vengeance Isnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t the Right Word
7. Post March Third
8. Weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll Take This Outside, 12:45
9. Friendly Fire
10. Weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll Take This Outside 1:17
Standout Tracks
“Sin City: Your Bed Sheets, My Legacy”, “Lifeboats For High Hopes”, “We’ll Take This Outside, 1:17”
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