Artist: We Are The Fury
Album: Infinite Jest
Label: East West
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: January 24, 2006
Overall: 7.2
Music: 7.3
Lyrics: 7.0
Production: 7.5
Hailing from Ohio, We Are They Fury sound like another dance rock group from Europe making their rounds in the states. Even though you could probably compare them to The Killers or Hot Hot Heat, you hear bands like this on the radio quite often and for me it’s not something I can stay listening to over and over. “Better Off This Way” almost sounds like something My Chemical Romance would come up with if they were in a dancing mood. The song covers quite a few areas though with it’s punk style guitars and synths backing the chorus. On songs like “Parody at the Masquerade” and “Nation, Forgive Us” have some upbeat parts that make you want to dance but they also fall short on keeping your interest as the singers voice will either slowly drive you insane or make you want to change songs.
When first hearing about We Are The Furry I was looking forward to hearing this EP, but now that I have I’m a little let down. The band knows their stuff and they will take if far especially now that Mark Hoppus will be recording their new full length. If your up for some americanized dance rock then you have found the perfect EP. However, I would suggest probably hitting up a live show to see if that catches your ears or wait till their full length arrives to make the purchase.
Track Listing
1. Better Off This Way
2. Anesthetic Parade
3. Nation, Forgive Us
4. Parody At The Masquerade
5. Soap Opera
Standout Tracks
“Better Off This Way”, “Parody At The Masquerade”
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