I’ve been away in Puerto Rico since July 6th, so it’s been hard to keep up with a lot of news and such. To my latest knowledge, As Cities Burn was breaking up and I was really upset because they are an amazing band. Today, I sent a text to Colin, the guitarist for As Cities Burn, saying how I hope to see them before their final show. He sent a text back saying that they aren’t breaking up anymore and to read the site for the full details.
This is the greatest news I’ve gotten all week. This is the statement made about the issue on the band’s website:
Thank you all so much for the emails, and conversations you have shared with us throughout the past month. It is because of the overwhelmingly positive response we have received from each of you, that As Cities Burn has decided to stay together, and record another record. None of us are joining any other projects, TJ will remain in the band, and weâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll be writing a new record this fall.
To clear up any confusion, here is whatâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s going on:
We decided at the beginning of March while we were on tour with The Bled that As Cities Burn would be over at the end of August. T.J. was getting married and had decided to move on with his new life and settle down. We all decided we could not replace such an important part of the band, so we started making preparations to end the band, deciding a final tour was our best way to say thank you, and goodbye to all of you. Morale in the band was at an all time low at that point, and we had completely lost sight of what we were doing, and the purpose behind it. We had become worn out by seemingly endless time on the road and the struggles of trying to maintain some kind of normal life while touring. We were tired and weary; no one had the strength to pull the band back together.
Now, months later, after being on our headlining tour for a couple weeks, we have had many opportunities to talk to you all about how As Cities Burn has impacted on your lives. Conversations we have had with many of you have been overwhelmingly touching and encouraging. Through all of this we have realized how much of a blessing this band is in our lives and the lives of many of our supporters. It has become clear to us that ending As Cities Burn right now would be extremely pre-mature, as there is much left for us to do as a band. We canâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t even begin to express how thankful and blessed we are by all of you that have encouraged and supported us over the past 4 years, and we are so excited to be continuing on to do another record.
It was not our intention to be indecisive or deceitful through all of this, we deeply apologize for our inconsistency. Sometimes it seems that it takes a drastic situation to realize what is most important in our lives. Thanks to all of you for coming to our shows, and continually supporting us. Hopefully we will be seeing more of you as we finish out the summer and prepare to write a new record.
We love all of you so much, God bless.
-Colin, Cody, TJ, Pascal and Aaron
when i heard this, it was a great day