Artist: Damiera
Album: M(us)ic
Label: Equal Vision
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: January 23rd, 2007
Overall: 7.5
Music: 7.9
Lyrics: 8.0
Production: 7.9
I rewrote this review over and over again about 4 times, each time feeling just as boring and dumb as the last. I don’t know if it’s the album or I just have writers block for this band. I’m going to try something different, making this review very short and to the point.
M(us)ic is a very good album. It’s subtly catchy, its technical, but most of all it shows the potential of this band. I think Equal Vision wanted to cash in on this band’s already good album (by re releasing it) without paying for a new studio album yet. Smart move on their part, I just can’t wait to hear the next album from these guys because I think the way â┚¬Ã…”Over Itâ┚¬? progressed from a very punk band into pop punk I think Damiera will become more accessible and people will really be able to get into them.
Vocals are awesome, and music great, my only thing is that the album can get repetitive at times but that, in my opinion, wonâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t deter most people.
1. Immure
2. Lessons
3. M(US)IC
4. Via Invested
5. I AM Pulse
6. Ember Eason
7. Departures
8. Flora: Yield
9. Broken Hands
10. Obsessions
Valida Prentice says
Short and to the point = the way to go. 🙂