Blink 182 recently announced the title of their new album, Neighborhoods, and now they are letting us know the meaning behind it.
“As Blink-182 reformed, we came to realize that, as close as Travis [Barker], Tom [DeLonge] and I are, we are all very different people. With very different tastes. Travis just released a hip-hop album, Tom always talks about U2, Coldplay and the Police, and I listen to obscure indie rock stuff,” Hoppus wrote. “We each bring a very different aesthetic, talent and sound to the band. And in the differences between our ideas, the struggle and edge of all the different directions, is where the good things happen when we write together.”
Check out the full article here and be sure to catch Blink 182 on the 2011 Honda Civic Tour with My Chemical Romance. The bands new single “Up All Night” is now available on [itunes link=”″ title=”Blink 182 – Up All Night” text=”iTunes”] and other streaming services.
Tom also talked about the single in this radio interview: