Runner Runner‘s new single “Hay Alli” is set for release this January while their new album is now set for release on February 15th. Fans who pre-order a copy of Runner Runner on the band’s webstore will receive a free acoustic EP at the time of their order. There are multiple fan bundle merchandise packages available with the album and Runner Runner merchandise including a 7″ vinyl, an exclusive t-shirt and hoodie. All pre-order packages are available at The additional merchandise will be shipped to buyers on Dec. 7th ahead of the album’s release date.
In addition all fans that pre-order the album will automatically be entered into a random drawing to have a personalized version of “Hey Alli” given to them as an Mp3 and video clip. All merchandise items from the fan-bundles will begin being shipped on Dec 7th ahead of release date. In addition, all fans that pre-order the album will automatically be entered into a random drawing sweepstakes to win a personalized version of “Hey Alli” as an Mp3 and video clip.
“We’re excited to release “Hey Alli” as our second single and really looking forward to the album release,” said frontman Ryan Ogren. “We’re just finishing up the final touches on the album now and believe that our fans will think its worth the wait.”
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