Here’s a quick email interview with Mike Herrera, lead singer of MxPx.
What record label is MxPx on right now, and if you are on one will that be changing?
We are officially unsigned. Haven’t decided yet.
How was working with Aaron Sprinkle (for the 3 new songs on the Let it happen deluxe edition)? Will you guys be working with him again anytime soon?
It was great working with Aaron and thereâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s definitely a possibility we will be working with him again. We would love to. Recording with him was a great experience. He’s been a long time friend and we’re comfortable working with him. Another thing which makes recording easy is that we don’t have to labor over details with him. We get to focus on what we do, as does he, and it comes together perfectly which makes it a fun process.
I’m sure as long as MxPx is around you will get questions about your faith. What kind of effect does that have on you? Do you get tired of it or does it help strengthen your faith?
It does both. Each situation is different. It just depends where I am in my life when each question is asked. Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢m not inconsistent with my answers, just honest with what I say. I don’t have a stock answer. I think about each question in depth each time it asked and give the most honest, up to date and best answer possible. And my faith is sometimes strong yet it is sometimes weak too. Sometimes I doubt what I believe in, other times I’ve never been so sure. I deal with each situation on a personal level, which definitely reflects in my song writing.
What’s the deal with Arthur? (The guyâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s from MxPx side project), when is that album coming out?
It’s been a slow process, but we are still recording. Half of the record has been done for awhile, and we will have something ready and out in 2007.
Being the end of the year… what was a favorite album of 2006?
I love Bob Dylan’s new album, Modern Times.
What is in your CD player (iPod) right now?
Gasoline Heart’s “You Know Who You Are”
MxPx has been going for a long time, realistically what are your plans as a band in 2007?
Record a brand new record and tour a ton.
Michael Schneider says
very brief interview, but at least we found out about arthur. I saw Arthur three times when I was in junior high and high school. I’ve been waiting for that album about 6 years now.
didnt they officially sign to T&N for the new album?
James' says
I’ve always loved MxPx’s music. I do wish that they would be as forward about their faith as they used to. I know that they still have a great message and all, I just think that they could be more forward, it would gain them lots more respect from both the secular and Christian community. But they are one great band and have a lot of untapped potential that I look forward to see.