What is Driven Far Off?
Driven Far Off is a website showcasing music of the alternative & punk genres. We specialize in providing visitors with the newest and best bands to listen to. Driven Far Off was started in February of 2003 and since has been on the leading edge of providing news, reviews, pictures and more on the music scene.
Are you hiring?
If you have what it takes then yes! Right now we are only accepting highly qualified individuals who already have their feet in the music industry. These would include people who have worked on street teams, worked for a label or band, or know a lot of people in the industry. Positions include news poster, album reviewer, interviewer and more. Please email bryce@drivenfaroff.com if you are interested in applying for a position.
Will you feature my band on the site?
We feature bands that we like and bands that we think will be of interest to our visitors. If you want us to feature your band please fill out the form here with all your information and if we like what we hear we’ll feature you! We can’t guarantee that you will get featured but we listen to everything sent our way.
Will you review my bands CD?
The first thing is to answer a few quick questions. Is the CD a demo CD? We have a lot of CD’s to review and demo’s aren’t on our priority list. We do however like to listen to demos to help find rising artists. Has the CD been out for over 6 months? If it has, then the chance of us reviewing it is slim because we are focused on newer releases. If you didn’t answer yes to those questions then feel free to send it to us and we’ll do our best to review it. You can get our address on the contact page.
Does this site have an RSS feed?
Yes it does! And it’s really easy to read it if you use Safari or Firefox as your web browser. If you are using Safari 2.0 or higher you will see the blue RSS icon in the address bar when you visit the site. If you are using Firefox you will see an orange in the address bar and you can subscribe to the feed to seen when their are updates. If you want to use a different RSS reader you can add http://feeds.feedburner.com/drivenfaroff to your list.
Who designed and coded this website?
This website was designed and coded by Bryce Jacobson from My Formal Addiction. He is also the owner of this website.
How can I advertise on Driven Far Off?
For our current ad rates please go to our contact page and view our available ad sizes and corresponding rates.
May I make a donation?
This website takes a lot of time and money to keep updated. If you would like to help us out please purchase a button pack or t-shirt from our merch store. You can also help us by clicking on our ads or purchasing one.
Will you play my bands’s song on your Podcast?
More then likely yes! Let us know all the details by filling out the contact form. We mostly like to play newer songs so keep that in mind.