Artist: A Change of Pace
Album: Prepare The Masses
Label: Immortal
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: August 15, 2006
Overall: 7.8
Music: 7.9
Lyrics: 6.2
Production: 8.5
A Change of Pace are back with their sophomore effort “Prepare The Masses” and If you recall the bands debut album “An Offer You Can’t Refuse” you probably will get another bag of mixed reviews thrown at you with this release.
The first thing fans will notice on this release is the lack of screaming and a catchy pop sound rather then heavier guitars. Tracks like “Prepare The Masses,” “I’m Alive,” and “Weekend Warriors” are mixed with pop covered guitar melodies and sing along lyrics, not a dramatic change from the bands last effort but they did take their writing ability up a notch. “Shoot From The Hip” opens with a chanting of “Whaoo’s” followed by a heavier guitar riff and even more “Whaoo’s.” The band incorporates plenty of sing along lyrics and melodies that get stuck in your head throughout the whole album but it comes down to you liking their new style or not. So what’s the best song on the album? It took me several listens to spread the tracks apart but the one track that sounds nothing like the others is “Safe And Sound In Phone Lines” the last track on the album. This track is slow yet the band pulls it off somehow. The track has the power to eat into your emotions with both its lyrics and melodies.
So with their new style, is A Change of Pace heading in the right direction? That is a question only you can answer as this album is another mixed bag. The band shows growth in their writing and overall their style hasn’t changed to much. I mean, they didn’t pull a Finch, so fans can still enjoy their music somewhat.
Track Listing
1. Prepare the Masses – Download MP3
2. How to Rape a Country
3. I’m Alive
4. Shoot From the Hip
5. Weekend Warriors
6. White Lines and Lipstick
7. A Song the World Can Sing Outloud
8. Take Care
9. War in Your Bedroom
10. I Wanna Be Your Rock & Roll
11. Recipe for Disaster
12. Safe and Sound In Phone Lines