Artist: The Dangerous Summer
Album: If You Could Only Keep Me Alive
Label: Hopeless
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: August 21st, 2007
Overall: 7.5
Music: 8.0
Lyrics: 7.5
Production: 7.0
The Dangerous Summer’s debut EP is a mix of catchy rock and powerful vocals. From the first song, “I Would Stay” you can hear a difference in this band compared to others. The vocals ring out and the power and emotions come with them, filling your ears with a never ending delight. This EP caters to those looking for an upbeat tune (“The Permanent Rain”, “Here We Are After Dark”) and those looking for a song to sing along to (“Home”).
Recommended if you like: A new band to sing along to, catchy rock, Amber Pacific, All Time Low.
Track Listing
1. I Would Stay
2. The Permanent Rain
3. Here We Are After Dark
4. Wake Up
5. Home
6. Disconnect
7. Of Confidence