Artist: Copeland
Album: Eat, Sleep, Repeat
Label: The Militia Group
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: October 31st, 2006
Overall: 10.0
Music: 9.9
Lyrics: 10.0
Production: 9.8
Like a lot of people Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢m sure, I had huge expectations, not to mention huge excitement for the newest Copeland record â┚¬Ã‹Å“Eat, Sleep, Repeatâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢. When excitement and expectations run so high it then becomes very easy to be let down, even by the slightest things. Let me be one of the first to say that this record is different than the previous two, yet it does not disappoint someone looking for music with passion behind it.
The album as a whole has almost a creepy/lonely feeling which the first song â┚¬Ã…”Whereâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s my headâ┚¬? sets the stage for. The song, which is a little over 2 minutes, never fully breaks into the full band but rather at its peak itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s simply vocals with a lot of background drums/noise. Musically â┚¬Ã…”Careful nowâ┚¬? seems like it could have been a track off â┚¬Ã‹Å“In Motionâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢, however vocally it strays from the traditional Copeland sound.
â┚¬Ã…”Love affairâ┚¬? is the song I can see being that song that everyone loves, whether they admit it or not. The song, which is one of the longest on the record, starts slow and then continually builds into this epic love song which then musically changes to be piano and believe it or not, trumpet lead. â┚¬Ã…”Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢m safer on an airplaneâ┚¬? and â┚¬Ã…”The last time he saw Dorieâ┚¬? are two of the slower, mellower tracks (comparatively speaking).
Besides â┚¬Ã…”Love affairâ┚¬?, my personal favorites are the last two tracks on this beautiful record. â┚¬Ã…”Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢m a sucker for a kind wordâ┚¬? is one of the more upbeat songs, probably a song that will stick out with its very predominant melody in the chorus and verses. The record concludes with a song you probably would not expect to hear on the record. The song starts with Elton John like piano, which then is later accompanied by an amazing strings section. I didnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t know what I was expecting with this latest release from the guys of Copeland, but needless to say they have come through in a big way. Please go buy this record on October 31st.
Track listing
1. Where’s My Head
2. Eat, Sleep, Repeat
3. Control Freak
4. Careful Now
5. Love Affair
6. I’m Safer On An Airplane
7. By My Side
8. Cover What You Can
9. The Last Time He Saw Dorie
10. I’m A Sucker For A Kind Word
11. When You Thought You’d Never Stand Out