Here’s an email interview with the lead man from the band Love Arcade
1. Who are we talking with and what’s your role in Love Arcade?
I am snowhite and I do everything in Love Arcade [Write, produce, arrange, play all the instruments on record, etc.]
2. What are some things you want to get accomplished in 2007?
I want to get to the point where we’re on the radio and headlining our own tour for 2007.
3. Are you happy with how your major label release turned out?
I am extremely happy with how the album turned out, and I’m lookin’ forward to working it!
4. What’s your stance on a growing number of kids downloading yours or others bands music for free?
Well, the way I do it is I download the songs and if I like them I’ll buy the record and I think that’s how it should be cause if it’s not a good record you really shouldn’t buy it.
5. What is the biggest issue you see facing the music industry?
It’s probably is the fact that every thing’s in and out like the wind and not as many people buy albums because of that. We want to be something that’s real, not just a fad.
6. Who would you love to tour with, and why?
I’d like to tour with Gnarls Barkley cause that seems like itâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s the perfect fit for what we are.
7. What is one album that you would suggest as required listening for everyone?
Pussy Cat Dolls- PCD