Artist: Relient K
Album: Five Score and Seven Years Ago
Label: Capitol Records
Purchase: Amazon
Release Date: March 6th, 2007
Overall: 7.9
Music: 8.0
Lyrics: 8.0
Production: 9.0
â┚¬Ã…”Five score and seven years agoâ┚¬? is Relient Kâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s new album which is the follow up to the major label debut â┚¬Ã…”mmhmmâ┚¬?. I applaud them for giving this album an actual name instead of just a sound that made you feel ridiculous when said out loud. I was very excited to hear this record because Relient K has always put out quality music, and the same still applies with the new record. The staple of this band has and continues to be the ability to blend the comical and serious sides of life into a beautifully crafted song.
The first song â┚¬Ã…”Plead the fifthâ┚¬? is more of an intro to the record, but it definitely shows off the guyâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s ability to write a catchy melody. â┚¬Ã…”Come right out and say Itâ┚¬? is the next song which is familiar Relient K territory and touches on the subject of wanting to hear the truth instead of a pretty lie to spare someoneâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s feelings. â┚¬Ã…”Must have done something rightâ┚¬?, which is the first single, has been out for awhile and is a good song, but seems to sound better in the context of the other songs on â┚¬Ã…”Five Scoreâ┚¬Ã‚¦Ãƒ¢Ã¢”š¬?. Speaking of the single, my guess is that â┚¬Ã…”Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢m taking you with meâ┚¬? will end up being one at some point with its instantly catchy chorus.
â┚¬Ã…”Deathbedâ┚¬?, which is the album closer, comes in at a whopping 11:05 minutes long. The song is told from a first person perspective of someone dying from cancer. The song starts off soft and slow but doesnâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢t stay that way long, adding a range of different instruments along the journey. The song also includes a guest vocalist which sounds like Switchfoot lead singer â┚¬Ã…”Jonathan Foremanâ┚¬?.
Iâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll take the advice from the song â┚¬Ã…”Come right out and say itâ┚¬? and just tell it like it is for this record. This is an album which you will need to put in some time to fully enjoy. I found this album very forgettable the first couple times I listened to it, but it has grown on me. There are a couple of weaker songs scattered on the album but overall a good listen.
I just wasted your time with this review. Buy the record and youâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢ll know what I mean.
Track listing
1. Plead the Fifth
2. Come Right Out and Say It
3. I Need You
4. The Best Thing
5. Forgiven
6. Must Have Done Something Right
7. Give
8. Devastation and Reform
9. I’m Taking You With Me
10. Faking My Own Suicide
11. Crayons Can Melt On Us For All I Care
12. Bite My Tongue
13. Up and Up
14. Deathbed