Here is our first weekly poll roundup. Its going to cover the polls that were on the site this week and we can all elaborate on our votes a bit more.
Will you be casting your vote for midterm elections today?
The majority of the votes went to No on this one. All I have to say is “you shouldn’t complain about our government if you didn’t put in your vote.”
Do you use RSS to read this website or any others?
I was surprised with the turnout on this poll as most of you voted for “What’s RSS?” RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” and it’s an easy way to get content delivered to you without having to scour the all of your favorite sites to get all the news. RSS brings it all right to you and then you can go click on what you want to read. There are applications as well as web based applications that can be used to read all of your RSS feeds. You can find a few examples below. Your web browser may also have a built in RSS reader if you are using the latest versions.
Web: (Bloglines, Google Reader)
Applications: (Mac: NetNewsWire, Win: SharpReader)
Browsers: (Firefox 2.0, IE 7, Mac: Safari RSS)
Whoâ┚¬Ã¢”ž¢s your favorite ex-Blink 182 band?
More then half of you voted for Plus 44 over Angels & Airwaves, now its your chance to tell us why. Is it because Plus 44 sounds more like Blink 182, or because Tom over-hyped Angels & Airwaves before their album was even out? Or is it because you prefer Marks voice over Tom’s? We would like to know so post your thoughts below.
A&A because of the hype…. plus I like Marks voice better.