Artist: The Wonder Years
Album: Get Stoked on It
Label: No Sleep Records
Purchase: Smart Punk
Release Date: October 30th, 2007
Overall: 9.0
Music: 9.0
Lyrics: 9.0
Production: 8.0
The Wonder Years have successfully created a fun post hardcore synth fused rock album with Get Stoked on It! The lyrics are fresh and amusing; each song is a vibrant breath of fresh air. From its opening homage to their hometown to the space influenced “Buzz Aldrin: The Poster Boy for Second Place” the album flows impeccably from one song to another. Finally you can slow down and catch your breath with the acoustic track “Racing Trains” however the break is short lived as “Zombies Are the New Black” kicks everything back into full gear. The pace stays frantic and fun through it’s closer the aptly titled “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong.” Plain and simple this record is a great listen!
Recommended if you like: Four Year Strong, Set Your Goals, Motion City Soundtrack
Standout Track
When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
Track Listing
1. Keystone State Dude-Core
2. Bout to Get Fruit Punched, Homie
3. Buzz Aldrin: The Poster Boy for Second Place
4. Let’s Moshercise!!!
5. What If We [Swam] Into Nothing?
6. Racing Trains
7. Zombies are the New Black
8. We Were Giants
9. My Geraldine Lies Over the Delaware
10. Dude, What Is a Land Pirate?
11. I Fell In Love with a Ninja Master
12. When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong